
Hi, I’m Izzy!

this life we get to live is extraordinary. it truly is. it’s filled with unshakable joy, radical love, and exhilarating hope – if you choose to grab hold of it. sometimes, i hold on tightly, and sometimes, i let go. I hope to use this page to share glimpses into both sides, but I pray it ultimately leads you to realizing how beautiful this life really is.

I think I’ve found my true calling

When I first dreamed of being a youth pastor, my dream was, well, “out there”. I imagined myself living in LA or some other popular, big area where youth ministry is thriving. I envisioned doing what Sadie Robertson or Emma Mae Jenkins does – influencing the next generation on these huge platforms, huge conventions, and…

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What I want to do when I’m 20

I was originally going to write a list about everything I wanted to do when I’m 20. But as I sit here in reflection in my last moments of being 19, I’m thinking less about what I want to do and more about who I want to be.  I think 19 was a humbling year…

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I guess I’m still finding me

This past season of my life has been a humbling one. I think after I published my book a few years ago about “finding me”, I started developing a bit of a faith ego – which is horrible now that I think about it. But naturally, since I literally wrote a book about how I…

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Last DC Diary!!!

Gosh, I can’t believe we have already reached the end. It still feels like just yesterday that I arrived in DC, anxious about my first day at work, worried that community would be hard to build, and afraid that it would be difficult to maintain my spiritual life in such an ambitious and accomplishment-driven city.…

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